사이트 내 전체검색

Diversity Internship

Diversity Internship

Diversity Pioneers Kick Off

19-05-07 09:38

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일19-05-07 09:38 조회1,023회 댓글0건


"Diversity Pioneers," those who were recruited as the first-term student interns for the Diversity Council, started their internship with an orientation on March 14. Students were asked to submit their ideas and action plans for "breaking down the walls between SNU students," and 20 Diversity Pioneers, 13 Korean students and 7 international students, were selected as a result. Diversity Pioneers will work together for a total of 40 hours starting from March 14, 2019 to June 21, 2019. 

Establishing good communication and harmony among diverse members is one of the most challenging tasks all societies need to accomplish. Diversity Pioneers will be planning and implementing various activities so that SNU members, rather than focusing on their differences, develop a stronger sense of belonging and community. We hope many SNU students will participate in expanding the culture of respect for diversity.


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