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Campus Activities

“Reading Diversity” Book Fair: Books Recommended by the Diversity Council

19-05-30 15:55

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일19-05-30 15:55 조회613회 댓글0건


In celebration of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, Seoul National University Library (General Director: Kim Myung-Hwan) held “Reading Diversity” book fair for a month from May 20 to June 20, 2019 at the University Library Book Café. The 30 books that were displayed in the book fair were diversity book recommendations that received prizes in the event that celebrated the launch of SNU Diversity Council’s redesigned website in November 2018.
The “9th University Library Book Concert with the Author” event that was held on May 24, 2019, invited Park Dae-In and Jeong Han-Byul, the authors of 과학기술의 일상사 (2018),  one of the books that was recommended by the Diversity Council. Some of the other noteworthy books that were displayed include 인종차별의 역사 (2013), 나와 타자들 (2016), Whistling Vivaldi (2012), etc. The university expects that SNU members will develop greater interest in diversity issues through such events.


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