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Campus Activities

2020 Diversity Council Exhibition of Recommend Books “Reading Diversity”

20-06-29 14:53

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일20-06-29 14:53 조회265회 댓글0건


The Diversity Council held its second Diversity Book Recommendation Contest, following the first contest in November 2018. During the latest contest, which lasted over the three-week period from March 23 to April 12, the council received 166 recommendations from participants. Undergraduate and graduate students submitted the majority of recommendations, but some faculty, researchers, and staff members participated, too. Excluding the few overlaps, the 166 recommendations covered 155 books. By genre, the books ranged over a wide scope, with novels being the most common, following by nonfiction works on politics/society, psychology, the humanities, art/pop culture, and science.

The Diversity Council’s Sub-council for Education & Promotion chose 45 winners through three rounds of blind judging, and awarded AirPods to the top five winners and 30,000-won gift certificates for books to the remaining 40. After books that were also part of the previous exhibition and those that already appear on other campus organizations’ book exhibition lists were removed, the remaining 30 books were put on display as “Reading Diversity” at the book café on the second floor of the Central Library for the month starting May 18, 2020. The exhibition included both the books and promotional materials for them created by summarizing the participants’ recommendations. 



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