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Activities Beyond SNU

Activities Beyond SNU

Press Conference for the Release of “SNU Diversity Report 2016”

17-10-14 16:11

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일17-10-14 16:11 조회1,115회 댓글0건



The SNU Diversity Council published its “SNU Diversity Report 2016” in Sept. 2017. The first such document produced by a South Korean university, the report is similar to a white paper and aims to evaluate diversity in the university’s demographics and operations. Most top universities overseas do release yearly diversity-related reports, but few of these include such detailed information on all the members of the university community and analyses of the support systems and programs available to them.   

The Diversity Council held a press conference on Oct. 12, 2017 at the SNU Faculty Club to bring domestic and international attention to the report’s publication. At the event, which was attended by reporters from 15 press outlets, council representatives introduced the background and goals of the report, its major findings, and its suggestions for action, and held a 30-minute question-and-answer session. 

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