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Activities Beyond SNU

Activities Beyond SNU

National Assembly Meeting on Amending the Public Educational Officials Act

18-07-26 16:14

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일18-07-26 16:14 조회1,406회 댓글0건


SNU Diversity Council Chair Ki-Sun Hong, SNU Women Faculty Council Chair Wha Sook Jeon, Diversity Council Senior Expert Coordinator Yookyung Bae, Korean Association of National University Women Professors (KANUWP) Chair Sungshim Hong, KANUWP Vice-Chair Mi Young Kim, KANUWP Secretary Cho Kyung-im, Ministry of Education Higher Education Policy Bureau Director Lee Hae-suk and Vice-Director Im Jong-il, and Assemblyman Oh Se-jung’s aide Heo Dong-hyeok and secretary Kim Gyeong-hwa held a meeting in Assemblyman Oh’s office on Jul. 25, 2018. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the status of a proposed amendment to the section of the Public Educational Officials Act dealing with the hiring of new faculty at universities. 

Assemblyman Oh had officially proposed the amendment in Sept. 2017, and on Mar. 22, 2018, the Education, Culture, Sports & Tourism Committee’s Bill Evaluation Sub-committee decided to reconsider it. The amendment would enable the president to set gender ratio targets in the hiring of university faculty and is intended to prohibit hiring a high concentration of people of a certain gender, similarly to how the act currently prohibits hiring a high concentration of people who received their undergraduate degree at a certain university.

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