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News | Diversity Council’s Publicity Booklet Issued

19-05-07 09:33

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일19-05-07 09:33 조회2,270회 댓글0건



On the third anniversary of its establishment, the Diversity Council made booklets to distribute inside and outside of school. While introducing the Council's activities over the past three years, such as policy research, survey on current situation, workshops, and meetings that aimed to promote diversity and inclusiveness at SNU in terms of its composition and operation, the booklet also included lists of those who put effort into advancing the mission of the Diversity Council. These included the former and incumbent council members, diversity representatives in each organization, and a list of related organizations. Major activities and the diversity status of SNU were organized so that they could be seen at a glance, and all the contents were edited so that the Korean and English pages would face each other. We ask for your continued support and encouragement so that the Diversity Council can play an important role in establishing SNU as an exemplary community.


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