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Related Events | [Nov.27, Roundtable Discussion] Internationalization and Faculty at SNU

18-11-16 13:47

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일18-11-16 13:47 조회2,212회 댓글0건


The SNU International Faculty Association(SNU 국제교수회) is holding a roundtable discussion,

"Internationalization and Faculty at SNU: Experiences from the Departments of Anthropology and Asian Languages and Civilizations.” 

The event is open to anyone interested in the issues of internationalization, including Korean faculty and students. Please spread the word, come yourself, and bring others. Thank you for your participation.

​* Time: Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 11 am-12 pm
* Place: Seoul National University Asia Center (Bldg 101), Rm 611



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