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Notification | Prize Winners of the 2017 SNU Diversity Pioneers Challenge

17-04-25 13:47

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일17-04-25 13:47 조회1,854회 댓글0건


Prize Winners of the 2017 SNU Diversity Pioneers Challenge

대상 Grand Prize

○ Winner: 서은수 Eun-Su SEO (Dept. of Public Health)
○ Field: 문제해결과제(Issue Improvement Project)
○ Proposal Title: 부모학생을 위한 서울대학교 규정 수정 및 교내 서비스 제안 (The Need for Student Parent Programs & Services in SNU)

우수상 Excellence Prize



 과제명(Proposal Title)

(Research Project)

김시은 Sieun Kim (Dept. of Social Studies Education)
김우성 Wooseong Kim (Dept. of Economics)

성중립 화장실(gender-neutral toilet) 도입의 필요성과 기대 효과
Study on the Necessity and Effect of Introducing Gender Neutral Toilets in South Korea

박선미 Sunmi Park (Dept. of Psychology)

정체성 표현으로서의 교내 독립출판물 : 큐이즈와 턴투에이블의 문집을 중심으로
Expressing Identity through Student Publications: Focus on QIS and TurnToAble Magazines

홍기명 Gi Myeong Hong (Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering)

여성 대학원생의 졸업기간과 졸업비율에 교원의 가족친화제도에 대한 부정적 인식이 미치는 영향
The Effect of Negative Attitude of Facilties for Family-friendly Policies on Graduation Time and Graduation Rate of Female Graduate Students

(Issue Improvement

강부성 EunJeong Oh (Dept. of Anthropolgy)
오은정 Buseong Kangn(Dept. of Anthropolgy)

학문공동체에서 주변화되기 쉬운 소수자 학생들을 위한 학과 및 단대 차원의 소규모 모임 및 맞춤형 멘토링 제도 도입의 필요성
Mentoring Program for Minority and International Students

박성일 Seong Il Park (Dept. of Philosophy)

학내 구성원의 인권 감수성 증진 교육방안 연구 –장애인권에 관련된 교양·전공 교과과정의 개발을 중심으로
A Study of Promoting Human Rights Sensitivity in University Members

John Yoonkwon Song (College of Social Sciences)

Halal Food: A Chance for Diversity at SNU

장려상 Merit Prize



과제명(Proposal Title)

(Research Project)

이동현 Donghyeon Lee (College of Liberal Studies)

서울대학교 학부생이 경험하는 학내 차별에 관한 연구 : 차별의 주체와 기준 그리고 방식
Discrimination Experienced by Undergraduates of SNU

최지은 Ji Eun Choi (Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering)

공학 분야 여성인력개발에서의 문제점 및 전공을 살린 직업 선택을 위한 정책 방안 제안
Problems in the Development of Female Human Resource in Engineering Field and Suggestion of Policy for Career Choice Based on Majors

(Issue Improvement

권기성 Ki Sung Kwon (Institute of Sport Science)
성호준 Ho Jun Sung (Dept. of Physical Education)
이지현 Ji Hyun Lee (Dept. of physical Education)

남성 주도의 스포츠 종목에 대한 여성 스포츠 참여 확대
The Extension of Female Sport Participation based on Male-dominated Sports

송은호 Eunho Song (Interdisciplinary Program in Biophysics and Chemical Biology)

대학원 협동과정의 '융합연구 코디네이터'를 통한 학문 다양성 제고 방안
A Study on the Improvement Plans of Research-Diversity via ‘Fusion Research Coordinator in Interdisciplinary Graduate Program

Seweryn Zielinski (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences)

Foreign student support counselors and a monthly roundtable

12 individuals/teams have been selected as prize winners for "2017 SNU Diversity Pioneers Challenge" All prize winners will be contacted individually as well. All applicants will be given a gift in acknowledgement of your participation!

Thank you for your participation and support!


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