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Research Projects & Surveys

[2020 Research Project] Research on SNU's Legal System and Policies with Focus on Diversity

20-10-29 10:28

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일20-10-29 10:28 조회191회 댓글0건



2020년도 기획과제 


서울대의 다양성 보호와 증진에 관한 법제도 현황과 그 개선방안
Research on SNU's Legal System and Policies with Focus on Diversity

  • Principal Investigator
    Hyowon LEE (School of Law)
  • Researcher
    Kae young CHOI (School of Law), Nam-Ju LEE (College of Nursing), Bumsoo KIM (College of Liberal Studies), Seong Tae JI (Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology)
  • Supporting Staff
     Kujin CHUNG (Visiting Researcher, The SNU Law Research Institute)

Now that five years have passed since the Diversity Council was launched, it is determined that it is necessary to analyze and evaluate various laws and regulations on campus from the viewpoint of protecting and promoting diversity, including the Seoul National University Law and school regulations, and the systems based on these regulations. (Until now, no research or investigation has been conducted to protect and promote diversity at the legal or institutional level). Accordingly, the Diversity Council is intending to analyze the system that is operated according to the Seoul National University Law, articles of association, regulations, rules of operations and guidelines. This analysis is to propose improvement measures and identify problems by analyzing the system’s adequacy and it’s systematic compatibility. 

Purpose of the Research

This report analyzed the laws on the protection and promotion of diversity at Seoul National University. It also analyzed if various groups and organizations in Seoul National University have been constituted and organized in accordance with the relevant laws, and whether the state of the institutional system is operating according to the relevant laws. Based on the findings, the report extracted problems regarding the protection and promotion of diversity, and proposed recommendations to improve the legal system according to the ideological standard.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Seoul National University Diversity Protection and Promotion Act
Ⅲ. Seoul National University Diversity Protection and Promotion System
Ⅳ. The evaluation of the legal system, issues and improvement measures
Ⅴ. Conclusion


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