사이트 내 전체검색



Inaugural Forum: Why Diversity?

16-03-28 17:23

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일16-03-28 17:23 조회1,859회 댓글0건




Forum Goals

  • Proclamation of the SNU Diversity Council’s launch to those inside and outside of SNU
  • Introduction of the SNU Diversity Council’s founding goals and vision, future roles
  • Invitation of a speaker from overseas and sharing of experiences of diversity-related policies in overseas universities
  • Invitation of diversity-related institutions on campus, exploration of cooperative tasks

Forum Summary

  • Date and Time: Wed., Mar. 23, 2016, 3-6 p.m.
  • Place: Asia Center (Bldg. 101), Youngwon Hall (Rm. 210)
  • Event Subtitle: “Why Diversity?”
  • Program
    • Congratulatory Address:
      Nak-in SUNG (SNU President)
    • Keynote Address:
      “The Roles and Tasks of the SNU Diversity Council”, Jung-Hye ROE (Chair of the SNU Diversity Council)
    • Guest Lecture:
      “Lessons Learned in Fostering Faculty Development and Diversity”, Judith Singer (Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Development & Diversity, Harvard University)
    • Panel Discussion:
      In Sup HAN (Director of the SNU Human Rights Center)
      Junho LEE (Dean of the Office of Student Affairs)
      Theresa S. CHO (Associate Dean of the Office of International Affairs)
      Hae Ran LIM (Director of the Institute for Gender Research)
      Bo-mi KIM (President of the SNU Student Association)
    • Discussion and Question-and-Answer Period
    • Reception

* The SNU University Library offers video of this event through its VOD service: [Video 1], [Video 2]

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